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    • 外貿百科


      出口津貼 export subsidy

      出口信貸 export credit

      出口津貼 export subsidy

      商品傾銷 dumping

      外匯傾銷 exchange dumping

      優惠關稅 special preferences

      保稅倉庫 bonded warehouse

      貿易順差 favorable balance of trade

      貿易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade

      進口配額制 import quotas

      自由貿易區 free trade zone

      對外貿易值 value of foreign trade

      國際貿易值 value of international trade

      普遍優惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP

      最惠國待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT


      價格術語trade term (price term)


      單價 price


      總值 total value

      卸貨費landing charges

      金額 amount

      關稅customs duty

      凈價 net price

      印花稅stamp duty

      含傭價price including commission

      港口稅port dues

      回傭return commission   .

      裝運港port of shipment

      折扣discount, allowance

      卸貨港port of discharge

      批發價 wholesale price

      目的港port of destination

      零售價 retail price

      進口許口證import licence

      現貨價格spot price

      出口許口證export licence

      期貨價格forward price

      現行價格(時價)current price prevailing price

      國際市場價格 world (International)Market price

      離岸價(船上交貨價)FOB-free on board

      成本加運費價(離岸加運費價) C&F-cost and freight

      到岸價(成本加運費、保險費價)CIF-cost,insurance and freight



      租船charter (the chartered ship)

      交貨時間 time of delivery

      定程租船voyage charter

      裝運期限time of shipment

      定期租船time charter

      托運人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor


      班輪regular shipping liner


      艙位shipping space


      報關clearance of goods

      陸運收據cargo receipt

      提貨to take delivery of goods

      空運提單airway bill

      正本提單original B\\L

      選擇港(任意港)optional port

      選港費optional charges

      選港費由買方負擔 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或

      optional charges for Buyers’ account

      一月份裝船 shipment during January 或 January shipment

      一月底裝船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or

      before Jan.31st.

      一/二月份裝船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment

      在……(時間)分兩批裝船 shipment during…in two lots

      在……(時間)平均分兩批裝船 shipment during…in two equal lots

      分三個月裝運 in three monthly shipments

      分三個月,每月平均裝運 in three equal monthly shipments

      立即裝運 immediate shipments

      即期裝運 prompt shipments

      收到信用證后30天內裝運 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C

      允許分批裝船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not

      permitted partial shipment not unacceptable


      訂單 indent

      訂貨;訂購 book; booking

      電復 cable reply

      實盤 firm offer

      遞盤 bid; bidding

      遞實盤 bid firm

      還盤 counter offer

      發盤(發價) offer

      發實盤 offer firm

      詢盤(詢價) inquiry;enquiry

       訂單 indent

      訂貨;訂購 book; booking

      電復 cable reply

      實盤 firm offer

      遞盤 bid; bidding

      遞實盤 bid firm

      還盤 counter offer

      發盤(發價) offer

      發實盤 offer firm

      詢盤(詢價) inquiry;enquiry


      指示性價格 price indication

      速復 reply immediately

      參考價 reference price

      習慣做法 usual practice

      交易磋商 business negotiation

      不受約束 without engagement

      業務洽談 business discussion

      限**復 subject to reply **

      限* *復到 subject to reply reaching here **

      有效期限 time of validity

      有效至**: valid till **

      購貨合同 purchase contract

      銷售合同 sales contract

      購貨確認書 purchase confirmation

      銷售確認書 sales confirmation

      一般交易條件 general terms and conditions

      以未售出為準 subject to prior sale

      需經賣方確認 subject to seller’s confirmation

      需經我方最后確認 subject to our final confirmation


      INT (拍賣auction)


      招標invitation of tender

      投標submission of tender


      總代理人general agent

      代理協議agency agreement

      累計傭金accumulative commission

      補償貿易compensation trade (或抵償貿易)compensating/compensatory


      (又叫:往返貿易) counter trade

      來料加工processing on giving materials

      來料裝配assembling on provided parts

      獨家經營/專營權exclusive right

      獨家經營/包銷/代理協議exclusivity agreement

      獨家代理 sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency;

      exclusive agent

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