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    • 工商注冊


    1、 填寫《外國企業代表機構設立申請表》;
    2、 撰寫《廣州辦事處設立申請書》,須有董事長簽名及公司蓋章;(正本二份,複印件二份)
    3、 撰寫《常駐代表委任書》,須有董事長簽名及公司蓋章;(正本二份,複印件二份)
    4、 提供公司注冊地開戶銀行出具的資本信用證明書正本一份;
    5、 提供公司注冊地工商登記部門出具的公司成立證明和工商登記證複印件各四份;
    6、 提供廣州辦事處駐在地點的租賃合約複印件四份;
    7、 提供曾與國內有關企業進行業務往來合同或協議複印件二份;
    8、 在《廣州市工商行政管理局登記申請表》首頁加蓋公司章;

    Application Documents for Setting up a Residence Representative Office in Guangzhou

    When a trading, manufacturing company from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan or a foreign country wants to set up a resident representative office in Guangzhou, it should submit the following documents to Guangzhou Consultants for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade:

    l . application forms from the relevant local government departments

    2. a application letter signed by the chairman of the board or the general manager of the enterprise, which shall include its brief introduction, the name, the responsible personnel, the location and the business scope of the representative office (2 originals, 2 copies)

    3. a legal business license issued by the relevant authorities of the country or region where the enterprise is governed (4 certified copies)

    4. a power of attorney for the personnel appointed by the enterprise to the representative office and their resumes and photocopies of their passports or I.D. card, 5 photos (2 originals, 2 copies)

    5. business contracts certifying the business dealings between the enterprise and the relevant Chinese enterprises ( agreements, sales contracts, etc)

    6. rental agreement with a hotel or business building which has the right to accommodate foreigners (rental term should be at least I year, 4 copies)

    7. a credit certificate issued by a bank that has business dealings with the enterprise including the date when the account is opened, registered capital, balance, credit line, general statement, etc.)

    8. other necessary documents which are required by the government

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